At Upstairs Kids Klub we offer our children experiences and learning opportunities following the National Curriculum and best practice guide:
- Pre Birth to Three
- Curriculum for Excellence
- Building the Ambition
In conjunction we follow the South Lanarkshire guidance for practitioners, Together We Can and We Will.
We embrace the principles of this document:
- The Whole Child
- Secure attachments and positive relationships
- The power of play
- Reflective, motivated practitioners
We believe the curriculum should be a curriculum for all that offers stimulating, innovative and creative experiences. Our highly motivated and fully qualified staff team have high expectations for the learning and development for all of our children. They skillfully deliver learning opportunities that reflects children’s interests and delivers at their individual pace of learning.
Young Explorers (0 – 2)
A warm welcome awaits our youngest children from a dedicated staff team who work closely with parents and carers to meet the needs of children. We believe that young children require secure attachments to enable them to feel safe and develop their natural curiosity to explore their environment.
Movers and Shakers (2 – 3)
Our toddlers experience a fun environment that supports their curiosity as active learners. As they develop their language skills and become more confident and independent our staff team encourage and support the children through purposeful play opportunities in a safe and secure environment.
Active Learners (3 – 5)
At UKK we recognise that children are leaders of their learning and are actively engaged in planning, organising, participating and reflecting on their play. Our skilled staff team facilitate learning experiences that reflect children’s interests and enable them to learn, practice and acquire knowledge, skills and understanding that they can demonstrate in a variety of contexts. This will enable them to become:
- Confident Individuals
- Effective Contributors
- Successful Learners
- Responsible Citizens
Out of School Care (OOSC)
Within OOSC we offer a home from home environment to enable children to share time with friends and supportive adults after a day at school. Children can choose from a wide variety of activities and we make use of a local school’s outdoor facilities as well as local amenities to facilitate active play. During non-term time we use public transport and our mini bus to have adventures further afield. Recently children have begun an in-house cookery club, writing club and produce their own newsletter. Children have a great opportunity to meet with other from different schools to share experiences and make new friendships.